About 2022-09-08T06:45:09+00:00

About Us

Hi and welcome to Red Ant Logistics Ltd

We started up in April 2015 after years of management experience in well known transport companies such as Hurricane Couriers, Cyclone  so between us we have over 30 years of experience in transport and logistics, there’s very little we haven’t seen or done within the industry.

Having gone back to University 2013-14 and obtaining a degree in Business Innovation we set out to create a business that both values the customers and drivers alike – and to achieve this we decided to design a bespoke Software Package that takes all the unknowns out of this multi-faceted industry. In conjunction with our North American partners we have developed a truly unique and innovative software package that is being very well received  throughout the Industry, is totally free to access for our clients and is unique to Red Ant Logistics Ltd.

For our clients there is complete transparency, it’s very user friendly, interactive and everything happens in real-time. For our drivers it’s advanced technology can route them the quickest or the shortest route to their destination, PODS happen in real-time, there’s Bar Code scanning technology and much more.

Our core competencies allow us to be very competitive whilst still retaining a high level of Customer focus.

Noel Fagan

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10 things you should know about Noel

  1. Huge fan of Rock Music
  2. Can play Guitar but don’t ask him to sing.
  3. Gets upset when Ireland lose at Rugby
  4. Wicked sense of Humour
  5. A late starter -Graduated from DCU in 2013!
  6. Loves fishing and a cheeky round of golf
  7. A quarter of a century experience in Transport
  8. Wants to be in a band when he grows up
  9. Hates letting people down
  10. Perfectionist to a fault!

Sandra Fagan

10 things to know about Sandra

  1. Ran a successful Fashion Boutique before the kiddies came along
  2. Was a manager for Hickeys Fabrics in that previous life
  3. Always cheers the underdog –that’s why she married Noel
  4. Animal lover- stray collector (see previous fact)
  5. A punctuality stickler –cannot stand being late
  6. Very results orientated –completely focused
  7. Has a love for fluffy socks and hot water bottles
  8. Very determined , never throws the towel in
  9. Wants to work as a wine and chocolate taster when she grows up
  10. Would love to holiday in France again …some day perhaps!
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